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In Drupal, the "Editorial Aside" paragraph type refers to a specific type of paragraph used to create and display additional editorial content or related information within a page or article. It allows content creators and editors to include supplementary content that complements the main content or provides additional context.

Paragraphs in Drupal are a powerful tool for creating flexible and reusable content components. They are used to break down the content into smaller, manageable pieces, allowing for more dynamic and structured page layouts.

When using the "Editorial Aside" paragraph type, content creators can add various types of editorial content, such as author bio, related articles, pull quotes, author notes, call-to-action sections, or any other information that enhances the main content.

The "Editorial Aside" paragraph type typically includes fields to capture the content for the editorial aside, such as a title, text, images, links, and other relevant details. These fields can be customized and extended based on the specific needs of the website or the editorial aside's purpose.

Drupal provides a user-friendly interface for content creators and editors to add and configure "Editorial Aside" paragraphs within their content. They can easily select the paragraph type from a predefined list, fill in the required fields, and position the paragraph within the main content using Drupal's drag-and-drop layout management tools.

The flexibility of paragraphs in Drupal allows website administrators to create various layout combinations by adding multiple instances of the "Editorial Aside" paragraph type or mixing it with other paragraph types. This empowers content creators to craft visually appealing and engaging pages with rich editorial content.

Additionally, Drupal's theming system and available modules enable administrators to customize the appearance and styling of the "Editorial Aside" paragraphs to match the overall design of the website.

Overall, the "Editorial Aside" paragraph type in Drupal provides a flexible and structured way to include additional editorial content within a page or article. It enhances the storytelling capabilities of Drupal websites, allowing content creators to deliver a richer and more comprehensive user experience.

Editorial Aside Example

Apple pie cupcake lemon drops sweet sweet. Tart donut gingerbread lollipop tart. Ice cream muffin lollipop shortbread tiramisu ice cream jelly-o.

Caramels soufflé caramels chocolate pastry. Candy canes caramels fruitcake jujubes bonbon wafer bonbon dragée. Jelly-o chocolate marshmallow brownie lemon drops ice cream. Cookie marzipan jelly beans gummi bears halvah.

Donut cake dragée powder jelly. Oat cake macaroon biscuit fruitcake marzipan lollipop. Liquorice lemon drops shortbread chocolate cake cookie caramels.

Sugar plum sugar plum cupcake ice cream marzipan sugar plum croissant liquorice. Ice cream pie oat cake carrot cake danish gummi bears muffin powder tiramisu. Muffin sesame snaps sugar plum sweet cheesecake marzipan cotton candy. Chocolate tootsie roll gummi bears shortbread soufflé muffin.

Sweet roll cookie jelly beans cotton candy gummies soufflé. Biscuit jelly cake cupcake marzipan marshmallow. Oat cake marshmallow croissant candy canes tiramisu. Pastry wafer lollipop muffin brownie sugar plum soufflé carrot cake.