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The 50:50 slab paragraph is split into two columns when viewed in a browser window or stacked on mobile. Similar to the Flex Grid and 2:1 Slab paragraphs this paragraph is composed of a grid item in left and right columns. Each column can have any of the items listed here:

  • Call to Action
  • Custom Teaser
  • Feed
  • Link List
  • Media
  • Pullquote

Additionally the 50:50 slab includes a selection of background textures that can be applied to the slab. The background options are:

  • none (no background)
  • radial
  • speckled
  • splash
  • square
  • stone

Please see the example below for ideas and try it out on your site.

50:50 Example 1


Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet sesame snaps cotton candy. Lemon drops sweet tiramisu danish bear claw. Cupcake wafer oat cake cotton candy jelly beans. Chocolate bar sweet roll donut shortbread gummies. Halvah chocolate cake shortbread icing powder soufflé liquorice. Soufflé biscuit shortbread jelly beans brownie marshmallow marshmallow dessert.

Students outside taking a selfie
50:50 Example 2

Example 2 CTA

Cake biscuit cheesecake bear claw cotton candy. Jelly beans pastry oat cake halvah marshmallow jelly-o shortbread gummies.


Example 2 Body

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet caramels toffee jelly-o lemon drops jelly cotton candy jelly-o lemon drops. Bonbon cake ice cream caramels tart donut bear claw. Sesame snaps dessert sesame snaps chupa chups lollipop. Jujubes cotton candy cake jelly beans chocolate cake carrot cake gingerbread gingerbread. Sugar plum candy canes muffin danish lemon drops cake cupcake.