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The Body Paragraph serves as the primary content section of the page, allowing you to input text that provides information, context, or narrative. This paragraph type supports various rich text formatting options, including the ability to apply bold, italic, and hyperlinks to the text. While it's possible to embed images within the Body Paragraph, it's worth exploring other paragraph types like Editorial Aside, 2:1, Flex Grid, or Media (full-width).  if you specifically intend to include images. These alternative paragraph types offer specialized layouts and styles that can better showcase visual content.

By utilizing the flexibility of Body Paragraphs, you can effectively structure and present textual information within your web pages, ensuring a seamless and engaging reading experience for your audience.

To add a Body Paragraph to a page select "Add Body" in the Top, Middle, or Bottom paragraph section.

Body Paragraph WYSIWYG

The Body Paragraph Editor has 2 sections, a Headline Group and a text editor.

Superhead Example Body Paragraph Example Subhead Example

Apple pie dessert brownie cupcake cake donut sesame snaps.

Sweet roll dessert gingerbread cheesecake tootsie roll halvah cake chocolate. Bear claw dragée carrot cake brownie chocolate cake sweet roll cotton candy tootsie roll. Jujubes biscuit cake danish gingerbread.

Fancy Link

Icing dragée dragée caramels ice cream. Sweet sweet roll candy canes croissant soufflé chocolate chocolate bar donut. Jelly carrot cake shortbread jelly candy canes lollipop chupa chups gingerbread danish. Oat cake candy sugar plum candy canes muffin muffin.