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The administrative toolbar gives you quick access to the most important administrative pages. The Toolbar module is enabled by default, as is the shortcut bar that is displayed below it.

Content Editors and Content Managers have default access to:

  1. Content: Find, manage, and create new pages.
  2. Structure: Configure menus, administer tags with taxonomy, and administer Webforms.
  3. Configuration: The collection of settings that determine how the site functions, as opposed to the content of the site. This will typically include things such as the site name, the content types and fields, taxonomy vocabularies, views, etc.
  4. Help: Display information about the functionality of all of the modules installed on the site, including core modules. Each help page has a link to the module's online documentation page on, where more information can be found.

Site Builders have additional  access to:

  1. Structure: Edit blocks, define new content types, configure menus, administer tags with taxonomy, and configure some contributed modules.
  2. Configuration: Configure the settings for various functionality, including some contributed modules. You can edit user account settings, general site information, and settings for other general administrative tasks.

Admin Pages accessible by the Toolbar


The content admin page is a page in the UK Web Platform that allows administrators to manage the content of their website. This page includes features for creating, editing, and publishing content and managing media files.

Content Editors and Managers can use the content admin page to create and manage a wide variety of content types, including pages, news articles, event posts, faculty/staff profiles, and other types of web content.


In Drupal, the menus admin page is a page that allows Content Editors and Managers to manage the menus on their website. This page includes features for creating and editing menus, adding items to menus, and organizing menu items into hierarchical structures.

Content Editors and Managers can use the menus admin page to create and manage the main navigation menu of their website, as well as any additional menus that they want to use on their site.

This page can be accessed by logging in to the Drupal administration area and navigating to the "Structure" section, and then clicking on the "Menus" link.


In Drupal, the taxonomy admin page is a page that allows Content Editors and Managers to manage the taxonomy, or the system of categories, tags, and other metadata, used on their website. This page includes features for creating and editing taxonomy vocabularies and terms, as well as assigning terms to content items.

Content Editors and Managers can use the taxonomy admin page to create a hierarchical structure of categories and tags that can be used to organize and classify the content on their website. The UK Web Platform comes pre-installed with vocabularies for organizing people, news and events, and media.

This page can be accessed by logging in to the Drupal administration area and navigating to the "Structure" section, and then clicking on the "Taxonomy" link.



The webform admin page is a page that allows Content Managers to create and manage web forms on their website. This page typically includes features for designing the layout and fields of a web form, setting up email notifications, and managing the responses to the form.

Content Managers can use the webform admin page to create custom contact forms, surveys, registration forms, and other types of online forms that can be used to collect information from visitors to their website. This page can be accessed by logging in to the Drupal administration area and navigating to the "Webforms" section in the "Structure" menu.

Learn more in advanced topics

Try It Out

  1. Log into your site.
  2. Use the Toolbar to navigate through the admin pages.