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Web Platform Roles

Web permissions on the UK Web Platform are administered using roles. 

Anonymous User

Every visitor to your site, whether they have an account and log in or visit the site anonymously, is considered a user to Drupal. If a user is not logged in, then the user is considered an Anonymous user.


Authenticated User

Authenticated Users are users that are logged into your site. On the UK Web Platform users are authenticated with their linkblue credentials. Users can log into your site at [site-url]/user/login. By default, authenticated users have the same permissions as Anonymous Users. Sometimes you may want to limit access to content to just UK faculty, staff and students and you can filter with this role. 


Content Editor

The Content Editor role is the main role to add or edit content on your site. Content Editors can create and edit content using any of the standard content types including publishing, unpublishing and adding to site menus. Content Editors are limited in the content that they can delete on the site.

Request New User or Change in User Access


Content Manager

In addition to permissions of the Content Editors, Content Managers can delete content and manage some site configuration.

Request New User or Change in User Access


Site Builder

Site Builders are able to modify advanced configuration on your site. Site Builders can create and edit views, blocks, content types, etc. This role is restricted to advanced users.

Contact UK Web Comm. to request access to this role 

Governance Roles

Primary Contact

The Primary Contact is the first point of contact for your website. This person is responsible for the day-to-day maintenance of the property and approves the addition of users with editing roles for the site.

Content Strategy Governance and Goals


Property Sponsor

The Property Sponsor manages the department, program, or service that your website supports. The Property Sponsor approves the creation or changes to the Property Charter.

Content Strategy Governance and Goals

University Web Comm Hosted Sites Additional Technical Roles


Coders have access to their site's source repository in GitLab. Users in this role have full access to modify and extend functionality of the their site to fit their needs. Access to this role will need to be coordinated with the UK Web Comm team for code review and approval.

Contact UK Web Comm to Request Access