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There are many ways to go about embedding snippets of markup (CRM forms, internal iframes, etc etc.) but this module attempts to balance needs of admins, themers, and content editors. The "embederator" is a content entity, and "embederator_type" config entities serve as its bundles. An individual type of embed (e.g., a species of Blackbaud ticket purchase form) is represented by a bundle, while a particular instance of that form (e.g., to purchase tickets to the Nutcracker on Dec 14) is a single content entity of that bundle.

In this model, the bulk of the markup for the form is saved with the config entity as full_html and tokens are used to represent pieces of the individual form that change. When an individual embederator form is rendered, those tokens are substituted using fields on the embederator entity. Since customizing an individual form is usually possible with a single ID or hash value, `embed_id` is included as a base field of the embederator and `[embederator:embed_id]` may be used when setting the markup for the bundle. Other fields may be added as needed to the bundle and as tokens in the embed markup.

Some advantages to this approach:

  • Sitebuilders may restrict access to the bundle configuration to limit security concerns about dealing with raw HTML
  • Content editors have access to a list of all embedded entities and are able to create a new embed with (usually) a single text field ID
  • Bundles are templatable as `embederator--BUNDLE.html.twig` so responsive wrappers may be customized (by default embeds get BEM-style wrappers with bundle identifiers)
  • Markup for embeds is importable/exportable config so may be modified headlessly


  1. Log in to your website.

  2. Click on the "Structure" menu item in the admin toolbar, and then select "Embedderator settings."

  3. Click on the "Add embedderator bundle" button to create a new bundle.

  4. Give your bundle a name, and description, and fill out your markup then click on the "Save" button.

  5. Next, you can add fields to your form.  To add a field, click "manage fields" in the operation dropdown, select the field types you want to add, and then enter the field label and other options as necessary.

  6. Once you've added all the fields you need, you can then use the field value tokens in the Markup on the Embedderator Edit settings.

  7. Your bundle can now be used in the Embedderator paragraph or available for other uses.